The Invest in Talents Scholarship Program was officially launched in October 2011.
The goal and objectives of the project are to support talented youth, contribute to the human capital of the country, as well as improve the quality of education of youth of Tajikistan, raise and promote the image of the country on the territory and beyond.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, Peshraft Public Foundation gives a monthly scholarship to gifted students in accordance with their social status and academic achievements. The essence of the program is the support and motivation of students, serving as a sign of recognition of their achievements.
The program is financed from the funds of the Tajikvest Fund and is implemented by the Peshraft Public Organization.
Each student of the 10th, 11th grades of secondary schools can take part in this scholarship program. All program participants are selected solely in accordance with their academic performance, as well as according to the results of the test and interview. Students from low-income families are a priority during the selection process.
Step-by-step steps for selecting fellows.
At the beginning of each academic year, PCO Peshraft, together with the Department of Education of Dushanbe, the Republic of Tajikistan, announces the next set of scholarship holders for the next academic year. Announcements are made in the form of information posters, which are attached at the entrance to each secondary school of the city. An agreement is made with school authorities to provide a list of interested students in grades 10-11 for participation in the program.
In order to take part in the project “Investing in Talents”, a secondary school student needs to apply for participation by filling out the appropriate application form, which is provided to the director of the secondary school by the Peshraft OBO. By purchasing these forms, students fill it out according to relevant requirements. The questionnaire is filled out so that Peshraft can determine the exact number of participants, as well as in which language it will be convenient to conduct testing.
Tests are developed in two languages: Tajik and Russian.
The tests being developed to determine the level of knowledge of the beneficiaries of the “Investing in Talent” project are annually changed and supplemented in accordance with the best methodologists of the most prestigious lyceums and schools in Dushanbe (Tajik-Turkish Lyceum named after Khoji Kamol, Dushanbe, Tajik-Russian High School Khotam and PV.